

Why should you give it a try ?

Aiming and firing increases your focus as well. Coordination can be improved with more practice. Exercises the mind and improves mental state.
Stronger your body when playing especially arms, hands, chest, and shoulders. Help to build more patience. Those sports require immense patience because the games are not about speed but precision.
Swimming is lots of fun for people of all ages and children especially. Swimming keeps your child’s heart and lungs healthy, improves strength and flexibility, increases stamina and even improves balance and posture.
Nature is an exciting place to take the kids for a walk. Great places to explore, so much to see, touch & smell! A place to run around, get messy and have wild fun!
A 15-minute walk in the woods causes measurable changes in physiology; our bodies relax in pleasant, natural surroundings because they evolved there. Walking is a good form of exercise, can reduce stress, boost your immune system, and improves your focus.

Because fresh, Simple and organic are the secret ingredients of a fine dining experience. In BASIWOODS meals is a lot more than just food, it’s family bonding time.

We are introducing authentic homemade style dining experience that we grow loving it. It is healthier, tastier and more satisfying than any of the alternatives.

It’s not how big you are but how big you play. Did you know that, When we teach children’s archery, swimming, racing and shooting. these sports are prescribed as the best way to build stamina, endurance and a better physique.

We have 16 different activity and sports choose your preferred from:

  1. 1. Swimming
  2. 2. Burma bridge
  3. 3. Ladder walk
  4. 4. Plunk walk
  5. 5. Tyre travels
  6. 6. Two rope parallel
  7. 7. Archery
  8. 8. Tug of war
  1. 9.   Boating
  2. 10. Gypsy safari
  3. 11. Cricket
  4. 12. Football
  5. 13. Nature walk
  6. 14. Off road tracking
  7. 15. Mini golf
  8. 16. Target shooting

Quality time is the best gift you could ever gifted to yourself or your loved ones, so we assure you that your time and memories at Basiwoods will be priceless!